General Information • All Players, Coaches and Spectators must wear masks indoors unless actively engaged in sport.
• Public skating and private parties will not be scheduled until Provincial restrictions are removed.
• Individual household rentals are permitted however all skaters over the age of 12 must provide proof of vaccination, a negative test, or proof of or a physicians signed medical exemption, along with picture ID is required.
Youth Under 18 League Time Slots
• Proof of Vaccination is not required during these ice periods
• Participants are required to:
o screen for symptoms
o maintain 2 metres distancing, except youth while engaged in physical activity
o wear a mask, except youth while engaged in physical activity
• Spectator attendance is restricted to 1/3 fire code capacity
• Spectator attendees are limited to single households of youth engaged in the activity on the ice
• Masks are required to be worn by all spectators unless provided with a physicians signed medical exemption
• Current health restrictions restrict/prohibit indoor dining. Eating food within the arena is therefore not permitted and the concession will be closed.
Adult (over 18) League Time Slots
• Proof of vaccination, negative test within 72 hours, or a physicians signed medical exemption, along with picture ID is required to be shown to league’s organizer and arena staff for all players and spectators over the age of 12.
• A listing of all vaccinated players and spectators is to be maintained and updated as required by the organizer for Town staff.
• League organizers are responsible to ensure that only those on their list are permitted inside the arena during their ice time.
• Organizers must inform arena staff of anyone inside the building who is not on their verified list. In such cases the person will be asked to show a proof of vaccination card, negative test within 72 hours, or a physicians signed medical exemption, along with picture id or be required to leave the building.
Please be respectful and supportive to Arena Staff. Staff are doing what is required of them to have the facility open for use. If an arena user is unwilling to follow the rules, or is rude or abusive to staff, they will be asked and required to leave the building.
Please do not enter the Arena if you have symptoms of COVID-19 or are feeling unwell.
Thank You