The Cardston County Regional Emergency Management Partnership (Partnership) has recently completed their agreement with Cardston County, the Towns of Magrath and Cardston, and the Villages of Hill Spring and Glenwood. In order to achieve the objectives of the partnership, they are seeking proposals from interested individual(s) to provide Regional Director of Emergency Management (RDEM) services for the newly formed regional emergency management agency. The Partnership is looking for a multi-year contract position with an annual expectation of 400 hours plus hourly pay for being activated in the event of an emergency. The Contract wage will be negotiated based on the prior experience and merits of the applicant.
Reporting to the Cardston County Regional Emergency Advisory Committee (Committee), the RDEM will be the head of the Cardston County Regional Emergency Management Agency (Agency) and be responsible for the “all hazards” preparedness, response, recovery and business continuity plans to deal with natural or man-made large-scale emergencies and disasters as outlined in the Cardston County Regional Emergency Management Plan (Plan). The Agency will be based on industry “best practices” and the RDEM will assure that the program/plans coordinate appropriately with local, provincial and federal regulations.
The RDEM will be responsible for the mitigation of potential hazards, response to incidents, coordination of recovery efforts and business continuity planning. This position will lead the development and conduct a comprehensive group of individuals and the collective training program of various municipal staffs, volunteers, and other agencies in all aspects of emergency management with a focus on effective response and recovery from emergency incidents.
During an emergency affecting more than one municipality, the RDEM will be activated to assume the duties of the Emergency Coordination Centre (ECC) Director and will lead the response. These actions may include ordering evacuations, conducting rescue missions, or the activation of reception centers for those displaced by the emergency. Following an emergency, the RDEM will lead the re-entry planning and assist in the short-term recovery efforts to return the affected communities back to normalcy. During an emergency affecting only one municipality, the RDEM may be activated to support or replace the local DEM as the Director of the municipal Emergency Coordination Center.
The successful applicant will possess a number of skills including oral and written communication skills, critical-thinking skills, decision making skills, interpersonal skills and leadership skills.
- Provide expert knowledge and technical advice to the Committee; municipal elected officials and municipal department heads relative to their roles before, during and after an emergency.
- Provide leadership and technical advice to the Agency and the individual Directors of Emergency Management (DEM) in each community.
- Provide leadership and assistance to the regional Emergency Management (EM) planning/preparedness, response and recovery activities within Cardston County, Towns of Cardston and Magrath and the Villages of Glenwood and Hill Spring.
- Develop and implement a number of emergency preparedness programs via community awareness campaigns designed to make the communities and citizens more resilient to emergencies and disasters.
- As the ECC Director, provide leadership to the ECC during training and emergency incidents.
- Develop and implement a progressive regional emergency management individual and collective training program for regional municipal staff, volunteers, agencies, etc. which includes an accurate tracking of training records.
- Collaborate and act as a liaison with local, provincial, federal, Non-Governmental Organizations, private companies and other organizations on emergency preparedness/response and recovery.
- Coordinate in-depth after-action reports on all emergencies and training exercises where the Regional EM system was activated. These reports will be provided to the Committee and the general public.
- Prepare and submit to the Committee an annual regional EM operations budget as well as a capital acquisition budget as required.
- Develop and implement a comprehensive regional EM program based on the Incident Command System (ICS).
- Ensure adherence to local, provincial and federal regulations at all times.
- Develop and review on a yearly basis the Regional Hazard Impact Risk Assessment (RHIRA).
- Attend local, provincial and federally sponsored meetings, conferences, and workshops as required or relevant to the success of the position.
- Establish working relationships with utility providers, RCMP, Fire Chiefs, health and other authorities and stakeholders as required to reach optimal success.
- Collaborate and act as a liaison with local, provincial, federal, Non-Governmental Organizations, private companies and other organizations on emergency preparedness/response and recovery.
- Coordinate the sharing of resources and equipment within the Partnership.
- Prepare and analyze damage assessments following disasters or emergencies.
- Apply for provincial funding for emergency management planning, training, responses, and recovery, and report on the use of funds allocated.
Candidates from all educational backgrounds will be considered.
This position has extensive training and certification requirements. Candidates with prior certification are desirable; any unmet certification requirements will need to be obtained as early as practical within the position. Some of the certification/course requirements are the Basic Emergency Management (BEM), Incident Command System(ICS) 100, 200, 300, 400, Director of Emergency Management, Emergency Social Services, and Emergency Coordination Centre courses from Alberta Emergency Management Agency.
The successful applicant should have several years of prior experience leading a dynamic group and working under high pressure and high stakes situations.
Please submit an electronic copy of your application to Jeff Shaw at jeff@cardston.ca or deliver a hard copy to the Cardston Town Office, #67 3rd Avenue West Cardston Alberta T0K 0K0 attention Jeff Shaw.
Job Reference: Regional Director of Emergency Management
Applications will be accepted until May 28, 2021 at 4:00 pm.