As the new school year has begun, this is a good time to talk about traffic, seatbelt, and other bylaw enforcement in our community. Everyone should be aware that our Peace Officers as well as our RCMP and regional Sheriffs are there to ensure the safety of our citizens of all ages, and we encourage all community residents to wear their seatbelts and to obey all posted signage throughout our community and in our school and playground zones particularly.
We would also like to thank community residents who have been working with our officers to address a number of unsightly premises issues. Our community is looking better, and although there is much we can do to further beautify our properties and community generally, we appreciate what each of you and our staff have been doing to spruce up our community over the summer.
If you have questions about any aspect of this please do not hesitate to contact our Peace Officers directly at: 587-813-0791, or any of us here at the Town office 403-758-3212.