Update. June 8, 2023, 2 pm
The trail is not closed, but a high degree of caution is recommended. Fish and Wildlife officers have patrolled the area but did not locate the animal reported. We have posted awareness signage about the siting and ask that if you see the cougar, call the Fish and Wildlife Lethbridge Office immediately at 403-381-5266. If it is safe to do so please take a photo of the animal. In an emergency call 911.
If you encounter a cougar:
• Never approach a cougar at any time for any reason.
Stay Calm
• Face the cougar, do not turn your back towards it.
• Do not run or encourage a chase, walk backward away.
Appear Large
• Do not bend over or crouch down.
• Raise your hands.
• Pick up small children.
Make lots of noise.
Avoid walking alone.
Fight back if attacked.
Original Post
The Town of Magrath has issued an alert for a Dangerous Animal. The Magrath nature trail, Jubilee Campground and fish pond area. A cougar has been reported seen on the Magrath trail.
Avoid the area, keep pets on a leash or confined. Further information will be posted as it becomes available.